Bulk supply cleaning solution consumables placed at convenient position to printer and then fed to converter via flexible piping and custom fit to suit all different kinds of converters
Custom Installation to suit
Bulk supply cleaning solution consumables placed at convenient position to printer and then fed to converter via flexible piping and custom fit to suit all different kinds of converters
The system is designed to inject Special Blade Clean into the ink lines. It has been designed so that it is simple to install, maintain and use.
To keep the systems as standard as possible for installs, maintenance and spares there is a high degree of similarity between the system used for cleaning the ink lines and the other system for cleaning the printing plates.
The main point of difference is the final stage of dispensing at the machines.
Spare parts are freely available.
The components of the delivery system to the manifolds and foamers are as follows:
- Mains or pump fed water supply.
- Back Flow restrictor
- 264 Gallon. Tote placed in a suitable accessible area
- Dosing (Metering Unit)
- 1” – 1 ½ “PVC delivery line from dosing unit to your machine drop points
- Specially designed foaming guns for cleaning printing plates and externals